Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan smashed it out of the park on day 4 by registering a historic Sunday. Here’s the full update!
The records are tumbling, and how. Jawan had the best day ever of its run so far, and now it has done the unthinkable. On Sunday, it collected an unbelievable 80.10 crores at the box office, which is now the highest number ever that a Bollywood film has managed on a single day run. Out of this, 71.63 crores have come in Hindi, which is much ahead of 65.50 crores which had come on the opening day. While that by itself was a record, the new benchmark is now 75 crores, which Salman Khan’s Tiger 3 would be aiming for on its holiday release now.
In fact, the Tamil and Telugu versions have been contributing hugely as well, with a double-digit score coming between them on Sunday, something that had never happened before for any Hindi release, including Brahmastra, which had done very well in the south, and Pathaan, which had collected quite well too down there. With 8.47 crores being accumulated, it has proven to be quite advantageous for the Atlee-directed film, which has south star Nayanthara in the lead and Vijay Sethupathi as the antagonist.
In terms of the overall total, just the Hindi version has now crossed the 250 crores milestone and currently stands at 252.08 crores. With this, the entire lifetime score of the all-time blockbuster The Kerala Story [242.20 crores] has been quashed in three days flat, hence resulting in Jawan being next only to the two biggest all-time mega-blockbusters of 2023, Pathaan and Gadar 2. The overall total of the film is 286.16 crores and as you read this, it has already entered the 300 Crore Club.
The film is set to be an all-time blockbuster!
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources.
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